Friday, November 5, 2010

Today's update with Dr. Bhushan

Diagnosis has been made:

OK, it is Multiple Myeloma with a twist. With my unique type of Myeloma the cancerous cells are fewer but they produce more of the RANK-L and MIP-1 chemicals which are what eat at your bones. They are hiding out, not as evident in the marrow. It's almost like they are a stronger myeloma cells so they produce more of the stuff that eats your bones but harder to locate since there are fewer of them. Dr. Bhushan did do another Bone Marrow Biopsy today in the hope of getting that last confirmation with cancer cells.

Recommendation is the same treatment as follows:
1) Chemo - Velcade to start in the hopes of reducing the bad cells
2) weekly blood tests to see the impact on my protein levels
3) If the protein levels are going down, it is working, if not combine with another type of chemo will be done until they get a regimin that works to reduce the cancer cells and prepare us for the transplant.
4) Now we are ready for the recommended Bone Marrow Transplant!
5) I will be admitted to Medical City Hospital for appx. 2 weeks.
  • Day 1 Fluids will be pumped all day long
  • Day 2 Heavy Duty Chemo (loss of hair for sure, BUMMER) Killing all of my Bone Marrow
  • Day of Rest for surgery
  • Surgery to bring back frozen, clean as possible bone marrow
  • 11-12 days in hospital for bone marrow to re-grow
  • Appx 2-3 months recovery with heavy fatique and weak immune system
After all is said and done, I should be in a state of remission/could be no remission, very good prognosis remission, near complete remission or the ultimate complete remission.

If no remission a new treatment plan is designed possibly another transplant
If very good remission possibly more chemo to decrease bad cells
If near complete or complete they watch for 18 months and if still holding I should be good to go for several years. (5-10 yrs.) Is the complete remission prognosis however as the disease re-builds in 5 - 10 years there WILL be additional treatment options and possibly a CURE!

It is all about buying time as is the case with all cancers.....

We still plan to get to Arkansas this week for a second opinion but hope to make a decision and begin treatment the following week.The week of my Birthday! Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear Susan, you get Chemo this week! Oh I am so funny! I love all of you and as you can see I am still a goof ball but optomistic about my future. Pray it forward and all will be good! I must keep up my stewardship with God so I am living a PURPOSE Driven life! And I will. Love and Prayers to all of you, so many affected by cancer, we all need to pray for those who are less fortunate than us! I have several I am praying for myself. I love you all...Susan

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