Saturday, September 17, 2011

Just in Case Anyone is still out there looking for new posts

Well, I continue to be blest with good health at this point. I have a very good friend who has not been so fortunate and several others who fight the battle of cancer. What a precious life we live and so often taken for granted. I feel so lucky to have had to face this battle as it really changed my perspective on both life and death. I continue to feel God in my life daily and continue to pray constantly for his grace and forgiveness. I feel so open to life's challenges and ready for anything that comes my way. Don't get me wrong, I still have my frustrations at times but am so much more calm about my control over those moments and eager to look to God during the difficult times as well as the good ones.
If you read this, please say a prayer for my friend Becky. She had a tough battle and is nearing the end. I will miss her as all of us will for she was surely a blessed person among us and we need the good people in our world today more than ever. I will miss her when she is gone as well as her 3 beautiful daughters and all who knew her.
Love to all. Susan

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Visit to May Clinic

I had my appt. today at the Mayo Clinic. This has been such an incredible journey. The Dr. who specializes in Multiple Myeloma has been studying my case for 2 weeks and after our discussion has determined that for whatever reason, the Multiple Myeloma symptoms that were detected in October, have gone into remission. He is not sure if the bone treatments, Zometa, taken in Nov. and Dec. played a factor but he has never seen, nor have any of his colleagues seen this type of remission before. That leads him to believe that there was some other reason for my symptoms but none that he can identify. He considered a mix up of tests, which does occur on rare occasions but disregarded this because my results have changed over time and not immediately returned to normal until last month. He looked at both PET scans and was "frankly amazed" at the activity in October vs. the lack of activity in February. He has NO explaination for that. He considered tuberculosis, virus, infections but given that my results are now normal, he cannot even investigate those possibilities.
He will be writing a report on my behalf to remove the diagnosis but recommends that we continue to monitor for a period of time. He is leaving for Paris next week to attend a conference on Multiple Myeloma and will see Dr. Barlogue from Arkansas and will share this information with him. He asked to retain the CD's of my PET scans as well as my blood work so he can share this information at the conference.
When asked if he believes in miracles, he said, "I would like too!" Although he ordered blood work and would like to see me again, he is hopeful that this was not a result of the Zometa as that would mean an eventual return of my symptoms. For now, he said, "I'd like to believe that this is a miracle, a special case of circumstances that reminds us all of the hope that surrounds us everyday." We parted and I am thrilled.
So what does this mean? I will never forget all that I have learned during these past months, nor will I ever forget how important our family, friends, and the people we don't know, YET are as we journey through this life. I have been blessed and plan to share that blessing by being there for all of you as you face struggles in life. I have new challenges that previously would have discouraged me and depressed me but that will not happen for I have seen what is important and the problems we face are generally things we can overcome as we stay the course of goodness in the eyes of the Lord.
I pray that I will continue to find ways to express his love and I hope that all of you know to count on me if you need support as that is what we CAN control and give to each other.....the rest is up to God! Love to all! Susan

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Update 4-6-2011

Well, I just received my latest blood test and my proteins are finally in the normal range. Originally 2800, dropping to 811, then 601, then 487, 481, 430 and now 368. Normal is 70-400. I have not had any other treatment to date but I do have another Dr. looking at my case on April 27th at the Mayo Clinic. I am anxious to see what they have to say as are my Dr.'s here at Texas Oncology.

In the meantime, I contacted my regular Dr. as I needed a refill on my blood pressure perscription and requested that she call in the refill since I am having blood work done on a monthly basis with my oncologist. She said that I needed to come in and get blood work done. Needless to say, I will no longer be going to her anymore. Our medical services really need to be looked at carefully. The abuse of paying for things like this are really hurting all of us. Keeping my sights on God and happy to be alive and feeling well. Love to all. Susan

Monday, March 21, 2011

Update on Susan March

Hello everyone,
I have been home enjoying the Spring Break with family and friends. My son moved out this weekend which was a blessing for all of us. He is so happy with his new job and doing well after a difficult year and is happy to finally be on his own again. Jenna got a promotion last month and is the youngest Account Manager in her company which says a great deal of her dedication and level of responsibility, no surprises there! Jay's son Marc and his girl Stanzy just found out that they will be having a little girl which is very exciting for both Jay and I. His son Jim is doing well also.
Jay is doing so well with his work and is now at the most involved point of his job so extremely busy. How wonderful that my news continues to be good in relation to my own health. I just received my latest blood work and it continues to improve! Protein levels are now down to 430, again, 70-400 is normal so this is another drop of 51 points. Dr. is still scratching her head and wondering what else could have caused all of this. I am simply amazed at the fact that had I not gotten involved in this myself, I would be bald and have undergone a bone marrow transplant by now.
It is a miracle on so many levels and I guess the only messages to share at this point is that God works in mysterious ways and my love for that faith in God has grown tremendously. His message has to be for all of us as there are so many who suffer so no other reason to explain this then to know it is much bigger than what has happened to me!
I believe in God, I believe in miracles and I believe that we all need to live each and every day appreciating what we have. We are capable of counting our blessings and smiling through the worst situations or focusing on the negatives or loss of what we thought we deserved. I have never been more appreciative of my gifts in this world and will continue to find ways to share those gifts with others as I look to share God's most important a steward to each other and find the good in all that you see and do. I love all of you and will continue to remind you of God's love. My prayers include all of you each and every day. Love, Susan

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Miracle or a Blessing

Hello Everyone!
I have additional news to share! I went to the Dr. this past Friday and was very excited to see what they had to say about my recent Pet Scan. Before I begin, I know that many of you see this as a miracle, which I do as well, however, it is difficult for me and has been all along to call it a miracle as that somehow implies something special and I am no more deserving of a special intervention than any other. Since I have struggled and prayed for an answer as to how to communicate what has happened to me I have received more guidance as to how I share this with all of you.

Miracles are blessings/gifts from God and each of us receive these all the time. We don't always recognize the gifts and blessings that we have been given, I included so I am sharing this news as simply one more blessing from God, which I have received many just like all of you over the years, I just didn't always reconize the miracles in my life!

My latest blessing was given on Friday as my doctor is now looking at other things because they are no longer feeling that this is for sure, Multiple Myeloma. They are very confused that the Pet Scan is showing evidence that my bone lesions are not only improving but many have simply disappeared. In her words, this just does not happen. She has never seen a case like this and I asked her if she was beginning to get on board with an intervention from God, she responded, "Yes!" She went on to say that she felt a little embarrassed and would have felt very strange had she not had other colleagues checking her diagnosis and agreeing that this was in fact, "Multiple Myeloma". She is now testing for another possibility called, Sarcoid, which is a viral bone disease but quite frankly, Jay and I looked this one up and my symptoms really do not seem to fit this at all, we'll see.

The interesting thing with all of this right now is that it will be very difficult to remove this diagnosis from my medical records unless they ARE able to find a new diagnosis. Life is so strange but I am just going at it day by day. I continue to feel well but have a very strong awareness now of my body and every thing that I feel which is a good thing. I do not feel a sense of being cured for as I've said before, if it is not this, it will be something else down the road. Again, we are all terminal.

I continue on a path of learning about our Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I look to the Holy Spirit for the words to express my love to all of you! I continue to be greatful for this awareness because my life has been so touched and improved with this special journey. Truthfully, the journey has been the miracle in my life! WOW, that is something I have not thought of until this moment!!!!

What is your miracle? Find it in the challenges you face and call on God to help you and you too will have this deepening of your faith as I have had which is incredible. I love you all and have a long list of those I am praying for, not only daily but throughout the day and my love for all of you continues to grow as I listen to the guidance that I am being given with each moment of every day!

I love you all and continue to ask for prayer as we all need that constantly. It is not easy for any of us to keep God in front... I am trying to be a good passenger. Love you all! Susan

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pet Scan shows miraculous results

Many of you know that I had a Pet Scan last week and I received the results on Monday evening. The news is good but before I share let me just say that I am humbled by the Power of God and your prayers for I believe from my core that this is, in fact a miracle!

I prayed on Sunday, the day before receiving my results that I would gain guidance from God as I felt momentum drifting. I don't mean the prayer for me personally but we all know how hard it is to keep these reminders as to how precious our lives are in front of us. If you remember, that was one of my greatest fears in heading back to work is that I/we would forget how scarey and sudden this was. I have not forgotten for it is happening to me but I recently heard someone talking about this very thing in relation to the shootings in Tucson.

I believe that God answered my prayer with this miraculous news. My bone lesions appear to be going away! This is unheard of in relation to my disease! I struggle with the why's as I have many friends and people that I have met who are praying for these same results. I guess we can never know why I am having this blessing but I am grateful, just as I have been grateful for having been diagnosed with cancer.

My life will never be the same and I am blessed because I will NEVER forget what is important and to live each day as though it was my last. I never prayed to not have cancer or to be healed as I know that it will be something else down the road. I only pray to live each day I am given in a way that strengthens my connection with the father, son and holy spirit.

I have learned so much and have so much more to learn! Thanks to all of you for your prayers and spiritual guidance as I build my knowledge of how to serve others. The community of God is strong and I believe in all that he does to build that kingdom. Please continue to hold me in your prayers as you lifted me to a place where I pray to stay forever! I love you all! Susan

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tragedy in Tucson inspires this blog

Tonight I just watched President Obama talk at the memorial service in Tucson. I was one of many who was inspired by his message. Although critics are busily discussing and evaluating each moment in that speech, it was, for sure, an eloquent and heart felt message in my opinion which has led me to write a blog on how it impacted me and my current need for prayer.

Since my diagnosis in October, I have talked about many of the spiritual changes I have experienced and never have I prayed that my cancer would be taken away. I have simply prayed that I have the time needed to become a better christian and be given the opportunity to be a steward of the love that I have been given by all of you. That continues to be my prayer and I am forever greatful to all of you who continue to include me in your thoughts and prayers as I know that this is a large part of my stewardship which is bringing all of you closer to God. Each time any of us responds and helps another, we are answering that call.

As time passes I continue to search for my life purpose even though I know that education has been that pupose my entire life. I love children and I love learning. I have never felt that I was the most intellectual when it came to knowledge per say but I always felt and believed that I made up for what I lacked in knowledge with my ability to walk in a childs shoes and to see alternative approaches to address their needs.

As I continued my career, I've seen many teachers who did not have that ability. I think that Obama's message should touch each of us as we look at what we do and how we live each day. I feel like the message he is giving us through scripture is to look past evil, for evil is evident but that we have the power, each of us, to eliminate some of the evil in the world. Each of us has the power to impact another individual and those opportunities happen constantly throughout each and every day. As a teacher I know that we have the power to impact a child, to make them stronger or weaker with a single word. We take that power for granted at times. As I listened to Obama, it came to mind that this sick person who was able to kill others for no apparent reason may not have been touched often enough in a positive way. He looks scarey which would cause many to stay away and yet I wonder tonight, if I might have crossed his path and not noticed. I am so much more aware of everyone and everything around me now.

I have so much more knowledge today regarding education than I had 30 plus years ago when I began teaching and there is still time for me to do something with that knowledge that will impact future generations. I pray that I am given the time to formulate those ideas and share them with others in some way so I can continue to make a difference. In the meantime, I smile and say hello to everyone I see in the hopes that it will brighten their day.

Someone told me that we are ALL TERMINAL! From the day we are born we have no idea of when we will die. Some are given the blessing of knowing that this time may or may not be nearing which is the blessing that I have been given. This is a blessing because once I was faced with the news of my diagnosis it put the end in sight which catapulted me to a new level of spiritual awareness. I have much to learn with my faith but I do know this, my diagnosis makes no difference which is why I refuse to focus on it because even if I am miraculously cured of this disease, another will follow as once again, we are ALL TERMINAL. I choose to focus on the impact I can make today and every day until that time comes when I am no longer on this earth.

I continue to be at peace and to keep my eyes, ears, and my heart open to the messages that seem to touch me daily. I wish the same for all of you. Love and prayers. Susan

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year

As we begin a New Year, I am hopeful that I will continue to feel the blessings that I have so learned to appreciate for these past few months. It is strange but I am not focused on cancer at all. I know that something significant has invaded my often times chaotic life but I feel great and so relaxed. I wish that I could impact everyone and share in this gift as I really feel changed and so much more relaxed. I do not have the same level of stress and each day I awake happy to be alive and feeling well. I can't imagine that this feeling will ever go away as it seems to be the most important thing in my life.

We take our health for granted and often times even wish that we didn't have to go on but in reality, when faced with that possibility, we really do want to stick around as long as possible. I am lucky to get the opportunity to see what it feels like to know that I might not be around forever but I have news, none of us will! Please take time each day to pray and be mindful of your own gifts and blessings. None of us should be wasting time dealing with the small things. We all need to enjoy ourselves, our family and our friends. Given that, call someone and make plans to have lunch, make a special dinner for your family, smile at a stranger, or just take a deep breath and enjoy a cup of coffee and the birds outside. I love you all and continue to feel good. Susan