Saturday, September 17, 2011

Just in Case Anyone is still out there looking for new posts

Well, I continue to be blest with good health at this point. I have a very good friend who has not been so fortunate and several others who fight the battle of cancer. What a precious life we live and so often taken for granted. I feel so lucky to have had to face this battle as it really changed my perspective on both life and death. I continue to feel God in my life daily and continue to pray constantly for his grace and forgiveness. I feel so open to life's challenges and ready for anything that comes my way. Don't get me wrong, I still have my frustrations at times but am so much more calm about my control over those moments and eager to look to God during the difficult times as well as the good ones.
If you read this, please say a prayer for my friend Becky. She had a tough battle and is nearing the end. I will miss her as all of us will for she was surely a blessed person among us and we need the good people in our world today more than ever. I will miss her when she is gone as well as her 3 beautiful daughters and all who knew her.
Love to all. Susan