Sunday, November 7, 2010

Who Am I to Blog?

Each day I learn something new...
This morning I woke up crying. I had a dream and saw my son standing in a Tuxedo. There was music playing and he was looking for me to dance. I woke too soon in tears but I might have been there.... As strong as I am trying to look at this, it is never easy, nor will it ever be to think about leaving this world and everyone that we love!

I have received so many books and devotional booklets, CD's and stories and as I read them I find myself being constantly blessed to have been given the time to re-shape my own relationship with God. I am grateful to all of you who support me and realized today, once again, that there is nothing special about me or my circumstances except that I now have time to look closely at how I have lived my life. I am learning a great deal through reflection that it is a lifetime of good and bad choices that shape us.

I have constructed a good base but have a long way to go as I continue to construct my spiritual temple. Each day, I spend time talking with our Father to pay attention and accept the acts of faith that he is presenting to me.

Jay and I went to a nutritional counselor this weekend and I have some more information to investigate this week. We are waiting on the 2nd results of the Bone Marrow Biopsy done this past Friday, and will be praying that God helps us to know where our second opinion will come from. I am praying that we will be ready to move forward with treatment next week.

In the meantime, I am feeling very good, basically normal, of course that is an arbitrary thought when it comes to me and have seen the beauty in our world each and every day. May you all be blessed with the same feelings as you struggle with your all too busy lives! I am learning to be patient, to slow down and to listen to God which has been a full time job that I have not taken the time to do before. The journey continues..... Love to you all! Susan


  1. The story about Jimmy just makes me cry :( I can't imagine you not being here for my wedding or his. We would be looking for you - but you will always be here with us. We love you mom!!

  2. we wish you a safe trip to Arkansas.
    We will continue to pray for you.

    Raj,Nayna,Neal& Ravi
